Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Women and National Security Policy

On Novemeber 17th-18th the Women and National Security Policy weekend course met. Dr. Meredith Reid Sarkees led the class through an introduction of National Security Policy and the role that women play in the field of National Security.
The class was packed with speakers from all areas of National Security and Foreign Service. Retired Brigadier General Evelyn Foote spoke about her experience as a woman in the military in a time when women were rarely allowed outside of traditional female roles. Her climb up the military ladder was both extremely impressive and inspiring. Meredith Woodruff, retired CIA Operations Officer, described the obstacles she faced as a woman and mother in a highly dangerous and time consuming job. Dr. Marie Besancon talked about the conflict in Sudan and explained the difficulties of starting a NGO dedicated to building fire proof houses in Darfur. The weekend ended with Ambassador Elizabeth McKune sharing her experiences in the foreign service and her eventually appointment as Ambassador of Qatar.

Overall, the weekend was a great success!!